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Placenta Services 

Placenta Encapsulation- (Investment $325+tax)

Placenta pills encapsulated using vegan or vegetable capsules allow the birthing person to receive additional nutrients that can be helpful when entering the postpartum period. You will typically receive between 100-200 pills depending on the size of your placenta. 


Placenta pills may assist you with: 

  • Reducing fatigue

  • Increasing breastmilk production

  • Restoring hormonal balance (going from a pregnant state to a non-pregnant state in a short time frame)

  • Reducing postpartum bleeding

  • Shortening healing time 

  • Preventing "baby blues" and postpartum depression/anxiety

Placenta Encapsulation &  Tincture- (Investment $375 +tax) 

Get all of the benefits of placenta pills with the added bonus of a tincture. Tinctures will last until menopause. You read that right, your placenta can support you during the hormonal changes experienced with menopause!


Tinctures are prepared using a small piece of your raw placenta and 100 proof alcohol (vodka, tequila, or gin). The steeping process takes approximately 6 weeks to complete, but will last forever. 

Dropper Bottle

  2 oz. Raw Placenta Tincture- (Investment $50 +tax)

Tinctures are prepared using a small piece of your raw placenta and 100 proof alcohol (vodka, tequila, or gin). The steeping process takes approximately 6 weeks to complete, but will last forever. 

Dropper Bottle

  2 oz. Placenta Salve- (Investment $25+tax)

The placenta has stem cells, so of course it is beneficial for your skin! It is restorative and regenerative, as well as all around nourishing. A placenta salve may be most beneficial for perineal tears, cesarean scars, eczema, baby's diaper rash.

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Umbilical Cord Keepsake- (Investment $25 +tax)

An umbilical cord keepsake will allow you to keep your baby's lifeline forever. I will dehydrate the cord in the shape of a heart or the word "love." Your cord keepsake will be delivered along with your placenta pills, if ordered. If this is a stand alone order, you will be responsible for the disposal of your placenta after I have detached the cord for dehydration. 

cord keepsake.jpg
Things to know

Placenta consumption and use is not guaranteed to do any of the above for every person. Each person will react differently and will experience benefits according to their body. Placenta consumption should not replace the medical treatment and/or advice of your provider. 


A non-refundable deposit of $75 is required on all placenta services. 


Reserving any of these services includes: 

  • Pick up & transport of the placenta 

  • Delivery of your order (placenta pills- within 48-72 hrs, tincture- approx 6 weeks after pick up, salve- within 48-72 hrs) 

  • Informational and emotional support 

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